Stags Fans United AGM Minutes
Minutes of the SFU AGMs are available for all Stag Fans United Members, please email your name and membership number and we will forward you the minutes you are after.
minutes 7th May 2014
Number: 29190R
of the Annual General Meeting of the above-named Society held at Kevin Bird
Suite, Field Mill, Quarry Lane, Mansfield on 7th May 2014 at 6.45pm
: See attendance list
Wright took the Chair, noted that a quorum was present and declared the meeting
was resolved that the accounts for the year ended
31st December 2012 be approved following a presentation by the
Treasurer, Keith Underhill.
It was resolved that Darren
Shaw be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
It was resolved that
Keith Underhill be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
It was resolved that Gary
Bridges be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
It was resolved that Matt
Ellis be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
It was resolved that
Martin Shaw be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
It was resolved that
subject to the provisions of section 4A of the 1968 Friendly and Industrial and
Provident Societies Act, the members of the Society shall not require an audit
for the accounts covering the current financial year ending on 31 December 2013
and 31st December 2014 when they are presented to the following AGM
of the Society.
The members of the Society agreed that the accounts for the financial
year ending on 31 December 2013 and 31st December 2014 and for which
reports will be laid before the following AGM do not require a full audit
provided that:
the total income for
that year does not exceed the threshold laid down by Supporters Direct for
audit exemption (currently £25,000);
an independent
examination of those accounts is carried out in place of the full audit. The
independent examination will be carried out in line with the best practice of
Supporters Direct; and
a report from the
independent examiner is included within the accounts and circulated to members.
The Society noted that:
An independent
examination does not carry the same weight as a full audit.
The members of the
Society instruct the Society Board to identify a suitably qualified
practitioner to undertake the review.
The Society Board
shall agree the appointment of the independent examiner and shall agree the
terms of that appointment in writing.
Supporters Direct has
no liability in respect of any accounts of the Society.
Supporters Direct
will use the report of an independent examiner when considering the Society's
eligibility for membership of Supporters Direct as against the criteria in its
membership policy.
9. Pete Wright and Darren
Shaw answered the questions from members. It was pointed out that SFU are always looking
for volunteers to come forward and help us. The volunteers that do come forward
to help us normally end up being co-opted to our board and eventually are
appointed by our members at the following AGM.
After the questioning
from the members, the Chairman declared the Meeting closed. The Meeting was
immediately followed by a Fans’ Forum with the Stags’ Chairman and owner, John
HELD ON 7th May 2014
Tim Bowskill
Gary Bridges
David Burrows
Jayne Danby
Joanne Dove
Chris Egan
Gary Ellis
Matthew Ellis
Dean Foulkes
Chris Fryatt
Leanne Gravel
Richard Harris
Paula Hinds
Tony Hinds
Trevor Hitchcock
Greg Mellors
Paul Nyland
Mel Piasecki
Clive Pidduck
Rev Geoff Robinson
Andy Saunders
Martin Shaw
Darren Shaw
Gordon Slack
Paul Taylor
Chris Taylor
Peter Wright
minutes 17th June 2013
Number: 29190R
of the Annual General Meeting of the above-named Society held at Kevin Bird
Suite, Field Mill, Quarry Lane, Mansfield on the 17th June 2013 at 6.45pm
: See attendance list
Wright took the Chair, noted that a quorum was present and declared the meeting
was resolved that the accounts for the year ended
31st December 2011 be approved following a presentation by the
Treasurer, Keith Underhill.
It was resolved that
Pete Wright be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
It was resolved that
Dean Foulkes be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
It was resolved that
Leanne Gravil be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
It was resolved that
Richard Harris be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
It was resolved that
subject to the provisions of section 4A of the 1968 Friendly and Industrial and
Provident Societies Act, the members of the Society shall not require an audit
for the accounts covering the current financial year ending on 31 December 2012
when they are presented to the following AGM of the Society.
The members of the Society agreed that the accounts for the financial
year ending on 31 December 2012 and for which reports will be laid before the
following AGM do not require a full audit provided that:
the total income for
that year does not exceed the threshold laid down by Supporters Direct for
audit exemption (currently £25,000);
an independent
examination of those accounts is carried out in place of the full audit. The
independent examination will be carried out in line with the best practice of
Supporters Direct; and
a report from the
independent examiner is included within the accounts and circulated to members.
The Society noted that:
An independent
examination does not carry the same weight as a full audit.
The members of the
Society instruct the Society Board to identify a suitably qualified
practitioner to undertake the review.
The Society Board
shall agree the appointment of the independent examiner and shall agree the
terms of that appointment in writing.
Supporters Direct has
no liability in respect of any accounts of the Society.
Supporters Direct
will use the report of an independent examiner when considering the Society's
eligibility for membership of Supporters Direct as against the criteria in its
membership policy.
7. It was
resolved that the Society adopt new rules based on the Supporters Direct Model
Rules 2011 in substitution for the existing rules of the Society.
8. It was
resolved to adopt the Board Membership and Conduct Policy
9. It was
resolved to adopt the Standing Orders for Society Board Meeting Policy
10. It was
resolved to adopt the Standing Orders for General Meetings Policy
11. It was
resolved to adopt the Disciplinary Policy
12. It was
resolved to adopt the Election Policy.
13 Pete Wright and Darren
Shaw answered the questions from members. It was pointed out that SFU are always looking
for volunteers to come forward and help us. There was a discussion about the
objects of the Society and whether it had achieved its objectives. It was
agreed that the Society had managed to:
and strengthen the bonds and dialogue between the football club and its
supporters and to represent the interests of the supporters in the running of
the Club;
the involvement of supporters in the running, direction and policies of the
football club including obtaining supporter representation on the board of the
football club from 2008 to date;
the football club to be run in an open, transparent and accountable manner and
the Fans Forums that were regularly held with John Radford were very important
in relation to transparency;
the football club to take proper account of the interests of its supporters it
serves in its decisions;
money to purchase and hold shares in the football club; and
the football club by providing financial support where it will benefit the
supporters of the football club. The Society had raised and donated £7,000 to
the football club to assist it with the costs of legal proceedings to recover
Field Mill from Keith Haslam.
Society did accept that it needed to improve communications with members and to
try and engage more with the local community. The main problem was the Society
was run by volunteers and therefore there was a limited amount the Society
could achieve without more people coming forward to help out. The Society had
always made it clear to its members at its meetings, via its website and in its
newsletters that we are always looking for volunteers to come forward and help
us. The volunteers that do come forward to help us normally end up being
co-opted to our board and eventually are appointed by our members at the
following AGM. The Society had therefore mainly focused on obtaining
representation on the board of the football club and building up its stake in the
club. The Society had started from nothing and was now the second largest
shareholder in the club with 10,000 Community Shares of £0.50p each which it
had purchased from the football club for £88,600.
was reported that Darren Shaw and Keith Underhill would be attending the
Supporters Direct Conference at St George’s Park, Burton.
After the questioning
from the members, the Chairman declared the Meeting closed. The Meeting was
immediately followed by a Fans’ Forum with the Stags’ Chairman and owner, John
Radford, James Beachill (Financial Director), Paul & Tina Broughton (Joint
Operations Directors) and Steve Middleton (Director).
SFU AGM minutes, 2 November 2011

Registered Number : 29190R
MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting of the above-named Society held at Kevin Bird Suite, Field Mill, Quarry Lane, Mansfield on the 2nd November 2011 at 7.00pm
Present : See attached attendance list
1. Peter Wright took the Chair, noted that a quorum was present and declared the meeting open.
2. The Notice convening the Meeting was taken as read.
3. It was resolved that the accounts for the year ended 31st December 2009 be approved following a presentation by the treasurer, Keith Underhill.
4. It was resolved that Darren Shaw be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
5. It was resolved that Keith Underhill be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
6. It was resolved that Gary Bridges be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
7. It was resolved that Will Lord be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
8. It was resolved that Martin Shaw be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
9. It was resolved that Andy Gallagher be re-elected as a member of the Society Board.
10 It was resolved that Matthew Ellis be elected as a member of the Society Board.
11 It was resolved that subject to the provisions of section 4A of the 1968 Friendly and Industrial and Provident Societies Act, the members of the Society shall not require an audit for the accounts covering the current financial year ending on 31 December 2011 when they are presented to the following AGM of the Society to be held in 2012.
The members of the Society agreed that the accounts for the financial year ending on 31 December 2011 and for which reports will be laid before the following AGM do not require a full audit provided that:
a) the total income for that year does not exceed the threshold laid down by Supporters Direct for audit exemption (currently £25,000);
b) an independent examination of those accounts is carried out in place of the full audit. The independent examination will be carried out in line with the best practice of Supporters Direct; and
c) a report from the independent examiner is included within the accounts and circulated to members.
The Society noted that:
• An independent examination does not carry the same weight as a full audit.
• The members of the Society instructed the Society Board to identify a suitably qualified practitioner to undertake the review.
• The Society Board shall agree the appointment of the independent examiner and shall agree the terms of that appointment in writing.
• Supporters Direct has no liability in respect of any accounts of the Society.
• Supporters Direct will use the report of an independent examiner when considering the Society's eligibility for membership of Supporters Direct as against the criteria in its membership policy.
12. Darren Shaw outlined the role that he had been involved with as the Football Club’s Supporter Director and his report is attached.
13 Questions from the floor were taken including one regarding how the SFU formally consulted supporters of the football club as per the society rules. Darren Shaw answered by saying that the rules were model rules advised by the national Supporters Direct umbrella organisation. He added that it was difficult to say who actually the supporters of the club are, but as the SFU included board members representing numerous supporter’s organisations (i.e. SSA, OSSC, MTFC vice presidents, Pleasley Stags and the original Team Mansfield members) he felt that anyone who felt they needed to contact the SFU then there were enough opportunities to do so. Stags Fans United also always makes it clear to its members at its meetings, via its website and in its newsletters that we are always looking for volunteers to come forward and help us. The volunteers that do come forward to help us normally end up being co-opted to our board and eventually are appointed by our members at the following AGM. After the questioning from the members, the Chairman declared the Meeting closed. The Meeting was immediately followed by a Fans’ Forum attended by the Stags’ owner, John Radford, and new Chief Executive, Carolyn Still.
Peter Wright
HELD ON 2nd November 2011
Darren Bland
Dean Foulkes
Darren Shaw
Keith Underhill
Leanne Gravil
Richard Harris
Peter Wright
Chris Vasper
Gary Bridges
Paul Taylor
Gordon Slack
Trevor Hitchcock
Steve Danby
Matt Ellis
Clive Pidduck
G Ellis
Alan Marshall
Kevin Marshall
I Noble
Melvin Piasecki
Chris Revill
Doug Carroll
Melissa Furness
David Burrows
D. Simside
Cheryl Foulkes
Joanne Dove
M Taylor
A. Matthews
Dean Briddon
J. Briddon
Steve Yemm
Chris Fryatt
Simon Freestone